Colon Cancer the Silent Killer

The Silent Killer: How Plain Speaking About Colon Cancer Saves Lives Many of us are taught that it’s not polite to talk about bowels, the rectum or colon, our own or anyone else’s. Yet the truth is, if we keep quiet about these necessary and normal parts of the body,...

Tips for Avoiding Holiday Season Digestive Distress

The upcoming holiday season can be full of fun and happiness, or a gastric minefield for those with sensitive stomachs. Parties, traditional holiday foods, travel by car or plane, and celebration meals can trigger heartburn, acid reflux, stomach pain, gas, or diarrhea...

Gastrointestinal Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet

The secrets to longevity and overall health have long been debated. Exercise programs, constantly evolving diet regimens, vitamin supplements and pharmaceutical medications have all been mentioned as essential components to maintain health. However, recent studies...

Colorectal Cancer Rates Rising for Younger People

In an alarming new trend, more than 15 percent of CRC sufferers now receive their diagnosis before the age of 50. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the fourth most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of death among cancers, affecting people of all...